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Vision and Values

Our School Vision Statement

Our school provides a Christian foundation for life, a respect for and understanding of, the beliefs of others, and welcomes all children who wish to come to our school.  We pride ourselves on being "small enough to care and large enough to inspire." 

We aim to provide a safe, happy and caring environment, rooted in our Christian values of love, truth, perseverance, forgiveness, courage, thankfulness, respect and service, in which all our children can develop fully their social, moral, spiritual, physical and academic potential.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13. 

Aims of the School

At Maids Moreton Church of England [VA] School we aim to:

  • provide a safe, caring, happy and healthy environment, in which all children feel secure and valued.
  • foster in children an understanding of Christian values.
  • promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of children and to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life in modern Britain.
  • continually strive to raise standards by providing high quality teaching and learning experiences through a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum, to enable all children to fulfil their potential.
  • generate an excitement for learning for all, developing lively enquiring minds, the ability to question and reason, the confidence to make mistakes and the motivation to work independently.
  • foster respect, appreciation and tolerance of others, acknowledging that everyone is different and that we all have skills and talents to offer, celebrate and share.
  • be open and welcoming, developing a close active partnership with parents/carers, the Church and the local community.
  • promote the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.
  • ensure that children learn the importance of courtesy, honesty, good manners respect and consideration for others.
  • promote equal opportunities for all.

Our Christian Values

We believe that a Church school is special in the following ways:

  • The education it offers to its pupils
  • Its Christian ethos
  • Its respect for other faiths
  • Its openness to parents and the wider community
  • It’s care of resources and the environment
  • Its commitment to the personal and spiritual growth of pupils and all staff

Click the link below to view our Christian Values. Click on the second link to see how our Christian Values link to British Values.