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Parent Teacher Association

Maids Moreton Church of England School has a very active Parent Teacher Association who work in close collaboration with the school. The success of the PTA is dependent upon parents' involvement and active participation and until recently, we have always been extremely fortunate in this respect.  Being a member is a very rewarding and we look forward to a successful 2024-2025 Academic Year.

What does the PTA do?

Maids Moreton CE School PTA raises around £5000 a year to spend on extra resources for the school which directly benefits the education of all our children.  The money raised enables the school to purchase equipment that it could not otherwise afford.  For example, the funds raised by the PTA in recent years enabled the school to purchase ipads, specialist dance and music teaching,  as well as fixed outdoor play equipment for our pupils.

 At the same time, the PTA provides a range of activities, events and treats which the children enjoy and a number of fun events for all the family.  In doing so the PTA aims to help create a greater sense of community in the school, enabling parents to feel more a part of their child’s education.

Who can join the PTA?

 All parents of children at the school are automatically members of the PTA and are welcome to attend general committee meetings and the Annual General Meeting.

Who runs the PTA?

 The PTA is managed by a committee who plan and organise the range of activities, events and treats which the PTA lay on throughout the year. Committee members can be involved as much or as little as they want or are able to be.  We are always delighted to welcome new members.

 When does the PTA meet?

The PTA meets on average once a half term. The meetings are informal, fun and well represented. A member of the school staff attends each meeting on a rota basis. We also set up sub-committees to plan and organise our larger events, such as the Summer Fayre. Once a year we hold an Annual General Meeting at which the Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary are elected and an annual report of our activities is presented.  It is a great opportunity to get to know more about the PTA, to which everyone is welcome, and is usually a very social event helped along by drinks and nibbles!