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This is a guide to the homework expectations for each class. We very much value your support in assisting your child in carrying out their homework tasks.  


  • Reading books will be changed by the Reception class teachers and Teaching Assistant three times weekly on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and sent home with the children. Please return book bags daily and communicate with the teacher via your child's reading record book.
  • The Tapestry online learning journal allows regular dialogue between the EYFS teachers and parents to share children’s learning, progress and achievements.
  • Number games, high frequency flashcards and fine motor pencil control activities will be sent home according to individual need.

Year 1 and 2

  • Reading books are changed three times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Children are free to select a book of their choice from the correct colour level box in the classrooms. Children should practise their reading daily at home. Please return book bags daily and communicate with the teacher via your child's reading record book.
  • Spellings lists are sent home on a weekly basis with a test the following week
  • A written homework task of approximately 20 minutes in duration is set each week.
  • A library book of the child's choice will be brought home every week to read for pleasure.

Year 3 and 4

  • Reading books are changed as and when required, depending on the length of the book. Children are free to select a book of their choice from the correct colour level box in the classrooms and corresponding section in the library. Children should read regularly at home both independently and to an adult. Please return book bags daily and communicate with the teacher via your child's reading record book. Children are also encouraged to record their reading in their reading record book. 
  • Spellings lists are sent home on a weekly basis with a test the following week
  • Children prepare for a weekly times tables test. 
  • A written homework task of approximately 30 minutes in duration is set each week.
  • A library book of the child's choice will be brought home every week to read for pleasure.

Year 5 and 6

  • Reading books are changed as and when required, depending on the length of the book.  Children are free to select a book of their choice from the correct colour level box in the classrooms and corresponding section in the library. Children should read regularly at home, both independently and to an adult. Please return book bags daily and communicate with the teacher via your child's reading record book. Children are also encouraged to record their reading in their reading record book. 
  • Spellings lists are sent home on a weekly basis with a test the following week
  • A written homework task of approximately 40 minutes in duration is set each week.
  • From time to time, research tasks will be set for pupils.  
  • A library book of the child's choice will be brought home every week to read for pleasure.

A termly information sheet, produced for each class, advises parents of upcoming learning.  Knowledge organisers, for each unit of work, outline the key knowledge, skills and vocabulary to be taught in each unit. These are available to view on our school website. 

Our homework policy can be viewed by clicking on the attachment below.